lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Entre más oscuridad más brillan las estrellas

"Cielos!" yo otorgo mucho el beneficio de la duda a los profetas , gurus pasando por los chamanes y gitanos pero este jueves pasado , Luz , nuestra profesora en el curso de astronomía como nunca le atinó cuando dijo en broma que llovería el sábado siguiente, (día del reto México 2009 en donde se rompería el record guiness de mayor número de observadores a la luna ) y cual que si nos llovió...! y a pesar de su profecía cumplimos el reto...ja!

En fin, hubo de todo tipo de telescopios , hasta los nuevos que nos presumieron y nos prestó para el evento el MUTEC.

Hubo también desde

personajes como el capitán Morgan y/o pirata que quiero que me presenten ....

ay noooo!

me referiero a este capitán --------------------- >

pasando por mi escueta presencia en tele por el noticiero de Loret hoy a las 6:53am de la mañana . Podrán verme unos microsegundos en el siguiente link ,además de la nota completa por supuesto.

hasta aficionadas que nunca pudieron enfocar el telescopio para ver la artificial luna...

Fue memorable,me la pasé bastante agusto en todo el evento , eh aquí otras tantas imágenes que lo ilustran..

Acérquense a la ciencia que más les atraiga , el mirar el cielo siempre nos deja algo de que maravillarnos,mirar hacia la tierra y al océano también ... recuerden que entre más oscuridad más brillan las estrellas , claro y como dicen los que saben : "siempre hay un negrito en el arroz" y la estrella que brilla sin penumbras es el hermoso Sol.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

That's a hindrance to learning

Onion, stripped of its layers, stripped of everything that defines it as such, because that is a hindrance to learning ...

I remember a few weeks ago, you and I concluded in a sentence and the plot of a movie you saw in the past, the envy that is the only flaw, which is fed to virtues, and please remember me ... the plot your movie, ha!

regards from here!

I'm still on the road...

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

just a little less wisdom,then more you dare.

I take into my head making another relaxed travel , something like the route "The amazing race"

Most of the warriors or martians are dressed in red today.

And sometimes we're such close to have the devil inside , remember , it's tuesday of temptation ... Just a little less wisdom , then more you dare.
I'm still walking...

Scrupulous - extreme adrenalin

It began in the Jupiter day but I´m transcribing in the best lucky day for me , tuesday 13th...
I signed as responsible for any kind of decision that could been required if something was wrong in the surgery of a friend of mine.
That was enough to make me feel a little stress 'cause it was involved the life of someone who is really important for me.
The only document that I had had to sign, (assuming a risk ) is the one which is required to me when I go to skydive , enjoying another tandem jump. On porpouse , I remember that kind of pleasure, oh yea!, all those mix sensations at 3000 meters of height, no matter the risk , I still beleive life can be wonderful and I'm also still anxious to experience life in all its aspects constantly... living it to the full...
Any way, of course its less comfortable when you're in charge of someone else , perhaps we've had being less wise with oneself and it is extreme for someones, but to take care the responsability of the security or health of another person is another sing...After all, when I practice parachuting or whatever I decide to do, is because it's only my life which is implicated , by my own will ; and when I'm with another person , obviously , I must have to consider to him, her or them .
That was the situation , both of us , my friend and I, signed all the papers were required , less one of them . We decided in a solid way , not to do it 'cause it talked about the patient admit blood transfusion and that kind of surgery was , according Doctor said to her, it would'n be necesary , so we don't valid it .
Now that I'm thinking about it again, I supouse that omission was a double risk , ... but it has already been done and everything result well.
In order to increase my adrenalin level , I prefer parachuting than to sign as a responsible for the life of another person (beloved or not) , but if it's quite necessary , I would do it again ,like today... I gess so.

Those kind of situations has the type of dizzines to overcome , are the dare to out do.
Where as I was also intern - although that was for a few hours each day in the hospital - waiting goods result about my friend surgery , I met a little patient ,she said hello to me when she saw me walking near her room , and of course it was the begining of a good conversation between both of us .
She has the name of the most famous swan in the fairy tales . Although she was in an anaesthetic condition she was spirited , really disposed to talk with me for telling me the reason of one of her hand surgery. She had had united two of her firgers until then , but she smiled no matter her condition.
She became in a new little friend for me and to whom has a great coincidence whit me , both of us really enjoy to disguise oneself like STORM or BATGIRL ,he he he! This kind of things are funny also curious for me ...
Finally , everyone - my old friend ,my new little swan-friend and I - go back to our homes with our energy renew after three days of internment, Thanks God.!
And I'm still walking

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009


Còmo me hace reir que cuando voy caminando algunos personajes me saludan y los saludo sin demora . Cuando voy acompañada y con el fin de solo hechar un poco de relajito sano saludo a otros tantos quienes con caritas de sorpresa y aùn a pesar de su incertidumbre y la gran duda que expresa su rostro de si me conocen me regresan el saludo por si las "moscas", finalmente mi acompañante me pregunta -quien es (son)?- y respondo " No lo sè " y nos atacamos de risa ...

y ya hablando de animales .-

los leones , los peces ... èrase una vez un àguila con sus dotes de visiòn aguda y de gran depredador , pero dicen los que saben que : "hasta el mejor cazador resulta pillado" (ah no , creo que ese es el refran 3942 ...jajaja ) dicha ave combina destellos de inteligencia marina usando su cerebro el cual como abogado del diablo lo utiliza solo a su favor , a pesar de su aguda visiòn , aùn no ve o no quiere ver , se autodestruye tal vez ....y esta historia continuarà ...